Growing up in Mexico, more than three decades ago, things were very different than now! Time seemed to pass by much slower, and life was interesting yet simple and fun. I was always surrounded by people, as is customary in Mexican culture to spend your time with family, extended family and friends all the time, that was true for me, as I can’t remember a single day when I was left on my own during those years!
As if that was not enough, my parents hired another person to take care of my sister and me. Fortunately she was an amazing human being, her name was Rufina, I have no idea in which part of Mexico she was born or how her family was like but I do remember that she spoke Spanish and Nahuatl, and she not only spoke to me very often in Nahuatl but also sang to me in that beautiful language. I loved the sound of it, I wish now I could remember the words. I forgot almost all of it although I still remember a few like “Noconeuh”, Rufina will call me that all the time, and she would do it in such a loving way - when I asked her what it meant she said: My child!
Yes I was her child in a way, she took care of me for a few years and I loved her! There was something different about her; she understood what I was feeling. Whenever I was frustrated or scared, I would cry or yell and she would calm me down by holding me in her arms and repeating again and again “Matca” She repeated Matca-noconeuh until I slowly gave up the fight (against myself I should say)
For many years I thought “Matca” meant “you are safe” but recently I discovered it actually meant “gently-slowly-peacefully” which was exactly what I didn’t have at that moment, inner peace! (The truth is, I still don’t have inner peace, I am always trying to get it from the outside world, and it has been my biggest struggle) This makes me wonder if it was possible that she could identify exactly what was going on with me, even at that early age? Did she have some Aztec divine powers or was she just trying to teach me how to calm my inner-storm? Was I born with that inner struggle? Do we all come to this world already with our issues? Is that why we are here on the planet, to figure them out?
If I look back to the memories I have, I always find that Rufina was calming me down. She also told me a story about “outside and inside” and then she would explain to me how we all are in both places at the same time and Rufina called it “Nepantla”. I don’t remember the whole story but it was about a [Flower that came from the sky to earth as a seed, and the process it had to learn, to get strong and prepared inside the earth, before it could come out to the surface and experience the challenges and joys that life brings. Then after learning the lesson of life, it would have to return to the universe as dust] this was her explanation of Nepantla. I thought this was just another story but I get it now, we are all that flower. We are all here to find our purpose by experiencing everything, while in this journey through life which is the In Between. We live in Nepantla?
Unfortunately this is as far as my Nahuatl vocabulary goes because I don’t remember anything else, however, these three words have impacted my life in a way that I didn’t understand or realized until now. The term that Rufina used all the time, Nepantla is real, it comes from the Nahuatl Language (from the Aztecs) and it means in between.
Have you ever felt in between (Nepantla), as Rufina used it in that metaphor I realize I can apply it to everything, like in between jobs because they are going to fire you or you just got a better offer, moving to a different house or country, dealing with the death of a loved one or ending a long time relationship, even starting a new one and you feel completely lost? That moment when you can’t concentrate, when you don’t know what to order from the menu, when you are not sure which clothes or car to buy, if you want to get married or learn a different Language. Whatever it is for you, every decision that we make, when we are about to choose, we are in “Nepantla” we are in between. So welcome to my world!
It amazes me that after all the years that have passed I recognize now that I've always felt in Between (Nepantla) no matter what I do and probably because of that, I can’t find inner peace (Matca) so I try to get it constantly from the exterior world. As I said before, this has been my struggle all along. I will ask you again, do you think we all born with our own struggle? Could it be that this information or knowledge is already in each of the atoms in the human body?
Assuming that this is true for everybody and that we do have this information engrained in each being even before we are born, that would mean that we already have all the ingredients for life it self and that we all are part of this universe from beginning to end, if it ends…
The universe is so vast but it is also inside of us and even if we might seem small, we are not, because we are all connected. We are home. Our planet is our home, for you and for me. We are alive and that itself is a miracle.
So why do I still have that “Nepantla” feeling? How come I feel this void inside of me? Will this in between feeling ever go away? Rufina knew something about me since that early age that my own family didn’t know. I didn’t know! I am not sure if that was part of the Aztec heritage or the sweetness of the “Nahuatl” language, but she knew, and she talked to me about it in her own way. Could it be that she was paying more attention to me? Or was it because she spent more time with me than anybody else? Was she a natural educator? Was she more connected to her caring, loving nurturing side? Why? How could she have that information that I am starting to understand at almost 40 years old?
I wonder…
I am certainly not a kid anymore but she taught me well, so now I feel the responsibility for the next generations to come, even if I am still not a parent!
Doesn’t this make you wonder how important it is who takes care of our children? What happens when we go to work or the gym and live them at home or school, with a nanny, teacher, friends or relatives? What if every word or action could alter his or her future forever? Would you do something different if you knew this could affect for better or worse the life of a child?
Choose wisely for your children while they are still young and unable to do it for themselves!
I wish Rufina was here today, so that I could tell her how much I love her! Rufi wherever you are, I hope Life treats you well, and I thank you, for every loving word and moment you gave me when I was a little girl. You are not forgotten!
is it possible that you DO have inner-peace? You just don't like your flavor of it? You like your neighbor's inner-peace better than your own. Is this possible? :)
What if? What if? Too many ways of asking the same question jajaja. The thing is, answers sometimes come up just like that with no question whatsoever. As a friend of mine once said, you just have to let life surprise you...
Let me tell you that after all of this years I finally get to know you after reading your "Nepantla" story. How you are so connected with nature, the caring side of people, just as Rufina taught you when taking care of you. She was raised in the same way. Nowadays people have children but "forget" about taking care of them. I think childhood is the most important part of your son's life to be with (I'm not a parent yet either), it is when they need us the most. By the time they start to move on their own it'll be to late to bond with them. Some hire a nanny or childcare service because of their work or just because they care more about their gym, spa, social meetings, etc.
I'm pretty sure Rufina had taken care of not only one child (quite common between native people), that gave her the kownledge and wisdom to be with any child. You were blessed having her as your nanny and that made you a very special person. =)
You are so transparent, I love you.
It moved me so much I cried... NEPANTLA so true...
Thank you for sharing,,,
We can go over son gramatical errors later hahahha TE QUIEROOO - Stephanie
Wonderful, thoughtful and very introspective.....You are on an eternal search that a lot of people go thru, and it does not go away until you understand that you have all the answers inside, you just have to remove the cover. meditation is an excellent way to remove those covers.
Qué hermosa historia Vany!
Realmente tuviste una suerte enorme de tener a alguien como Rufina que realmente se preocupaba por tí y trataba de darte el amor y el conocimiento que ella traía dentro. Lamentablemente no siempre es así.
Su cariño te nutrió y contribuyó, de alguna forma, pequeña o grande, a que seas la persona que hoy eres. Cada encuentro que tenemos, sin importar que tan corto sea éste, juega un papel en nuestras vidas. Nos va moldeando poco a poco y formando.
Esa inquietud que traes dentro es, supongo, en parte lo que te hace ser tú. Esa inquietud no es necesariamente negativa, puede ser lo que te haga buscar... más! querer ser más. Y curiosamente pienso que la tranquilidad que buscas o el llenar ese vacío... lo vas a encontrar dentro de ti misma.
Muchas veces vamos por el mundo buscando con que llenar los agujeros en nuestra alma, pero el mundo sólo ofrece cosas pasajeras, que no nos llenan y así, seguimos buscando con que llenarnos y paradójicamente, mientras más le echamos, más vacíos nos quedamos.
Creo que en el amor se encuentra una buena fuente que sacia el vacío de nuestras almas. El amor que te da tu familia, tus amigos, el amor en general.
Somos varios los que estamos buscando salir de ese "en medio de" para llegar a donde creemos que tenemos que llegar. Pero muchas veces también el camino es el fin. : )
Y en cuanto a lo que dices de a quién confiamos nuestros hijos... es de vital importancia. Aunque también las malas experiencias... son experiencias. Y se puede aprender de ellas. Supongo que muchos padres quisieran proteger a sus hijos de... cualquier mal posible o mala influencia, de palabras o tratos desagradables, pero no siempre se puede.
Conozco personas que por cuestiones económicas tienen que dejar a sus bebés en guarderías, desde los 6 meses! Imagínate!
En muchos casos es desgraciadamente por necesidad. Pero si no es ése el caso... y simplemente es por comodidad y cada año tienen niñeras nuevas que quién sabe cómo sean sólo para poder ir al club a jugar tenis y tener tiempo para pintarse las uñas, bueno, ése es otro cuento. Nada malo en tener tiempo para pintarse las uñas, pero no hay que olvidar que al final, esas serán las personas que en gran parte formarán a los niños o que influirán enormemente en su manera de ver al mundo. Para bien o para mal.
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